Behind the Strategy

Our team brings together a diverse and highly specialized set of skills, all working towards providing innovative solutions to the most complex challenges in investment, risk management, and legal advisory. Learn more about the individuals who make our success possible.

Meet Our Experts

Discover the talented individuals driving our investment strategies and innovations.
Frits Fiene
Frits Fiene


Head of equities PVF 3th largest dutch pension scheme
Executive director Morgan Stanley head pension reorganization Europe, custodies and administrations
MD Eastport invest

Epco van der Lende
Epco van der Lende

Quantitative algorithms and pensions

Strategic investment consultancy
Global portfolio management
Asset Liability Management
Quantitative risk management

Ex Managing Director Morgan Stanley
PhD Mathematics.

Joost Pielage
Joost Pielage


General affairs
Press management
Compliance and legal

Founder Amstel Securities
Drs. Macroeconomics

Jan Baars
Jan Baars

Quantitative solutions

 Multi Asset Solutions
Strategic Investment Advice
Quantitative Risk Management
Asset and Liability Management

Ex executive director Morgan Stanley
Phd Mathematics/actuarian

Logo Jones Day
Jones Day

International legal advisor

Amsterdam office

Marie Kerestesi
Marie Keresteši

Office manager


Petr Novotny
Petr Novotný

General legal counsel


Alena janska
Alena Janská



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Connect with our team to explore tailored investment solutions.

Worldview Investment Management osoba rizikového kapitálu s.r.o. offers its services solely to professional investors and is outside of the supervision of the Czech National Bank.
Vyloučení odpovědnosti: 
Worldview Investment Management osoba rizikového kapitálu s.r.o. nabízí své služby výhradně profesionálním investorům a je mimo dohled České národní banky


Krátká 147
550 01, Broumov
Czech Republic

Company Information

Worldview Investment Management osoba rizikového kapitálu s.r.o.
CIN/IČO: 21542376
TIN/DIČ: CZ21542376